The prophet Elisha used to pass by a certain village where there lived a woman and her husband. As often as he passed by, he would stop there and eat food. The woman said to her husband that they should build a small room, and put in a bed, a table and a chair, and a lampstand for the man of God. So one day when Elisha came, he turned in there and stayed in the room prepared for him. Elisha wanted to do something for the kindness that this woman had shown to him, so he asked what he could do for her. But she was content with what she had. Gehazi, Elisha's servant said, "Actually she has no son, and her husband is old." Upon hearing this, Elisha told the woman, "About this time next year you shall embrace a son." At the appointed time given by the prophet, the woman gave birth to a son.
A few years later, the son was out with his father in the field, and complained about his head. The father had him brought to his mother, and he sat on her lap until noon and then died. Can you imagine what the mother felt when her son died. But the mother did something very unusual. She laid the boy on the bed prepared for the man of God, and closed the door, and went to see her husband. She asked for a donkey and a young man to go see the man of God. Upon asking her why she wanted to go, she answered, "It is well."
As they approached the place where the man of God was, he sent out his servant Gehazi to inquire what was wrong. He asked her, "Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?" And she answered, "It is well."
When she finally arrived where Elisha was, she held onto his feet, and Elisha realized she was in deep distress. He soon realized there was something wrong with the child, and ordered Gehazi to go on ahead and lay his staff on the child. Gehazi went ahead and did this, and returned with bad news saying, "The child has not awakened." This was another setback for the woman. Elisha finally arrived at the house, and stretched himself out on the child, and the child became warm. Then again he stretched himself on the child, and the child revived, and was given to his mother.
The woman knew there was a miracle for her, if she could get to the man of God. Her faith said, "It is well", while she was in deep distress. She trusted God while she was on her way to a miracle. This is one of the toughest places to be in the Christian life. You know God can do anything, and you believe that nothing is impossible, yet you have not yet experienced your miracle. The attitude of the heart needs to be like this Shunammite woman, who refused to be denied her miracle. Even after the setbacks that she faced, she was unwavering in her faith in God. She would not talk about her need except to the one who could do something about it. She was persistant and wouldn't give up in the face of adversity. She knew God had the answer. She showed us what to do on the way to a miracle.
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- Sid
- I want to grow as a leader, and I want to help others grow. Sharing my thoughts on leadership is intended to help us grow together into all God wants for us. I hope you enjoy my blog.
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