The third beattitude says, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." Jesus is showing us how the kingdom of God operates. Each beattitude builds on the next. First we are spiritually helpless, then we go through mourning and repentance, now we enter into meekness. Meekness is the attitude that brings power under control. Jesus and Moses are two people who were meek in the Bible. Both of them were powerful leaders, and yet both were meek. Moses is described as the meekest man on the earth, Num. 12:3. The Lord said he knew Moses face to face, not as other prophets. The closer a person is to God, the more meek they become. People who are meek do not need to defend themselves. Moses was criticized by Aaron and Miriam about the Ethiopian wife he had married. Moses did not defend himself, but the Lord defended Moses. The meek shall inherit the earth. This is a quote from Ps. 37:11, "But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." The are 5 references to inheriting the earth, or the land, in Ps. 37. The Old Testament promises of the land of Caanan were fulfilled. So what does Jesus mean in the New Testament when He says the meek shall inherit the earth? This is understood as a proverbial statement of great blessing, perhaps the sum of all blessings. Perhaps you've heartd the saying, "He has the world by the tail!" We understand this is a proverbial statement, and not to be taken literally. Ps. 24:1 says, "The earth is the Lord's..." The earth and all creation belongs to the Lord, and He isn't giving it away. But He did give man authority to have dominion over the earth. Then man gave that dominion away to satan. However Jesus died to take that authority away from satan, and in turn, he gave it to the church, and He gave to us the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Now we are the ones to exercise authority through meekness. The meek, those fully submitted to God, will exercise authority, and whatever they say will come to pass! Jesus used His authority by cursing the fig tree. Kings use their authority by speaking words, and declaring decrees. We as children of God, walking in meekness, exercise authority by our words and decrees. Jesus walked in authority over sickness and disease, demons, weather, and laws of nature. Through meekenss, we shall not only do these things, but even greater. Walk in submission to God, and walk in your inheritance in Christ.
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- Sid
- I want to grow as a leader, and I want to help others grow. Sharing my thoughts on leadership is intended to help us grow together into all God wants for us. I hope you enjoy my blog.
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